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The project of automatic ground meteorological observation system was successfully completed



The project of automatic ground meteorological observation system was successfully completed

In September 2019, our engineers went to a unit in Beijing to carry out the construction of a ground automatic meteorological observation system project. After two months of continuous hard work, the engineers successfully completed the construction of the project. After the field trial run, all the technical indicators are in line with the construction requirements and passed the acceptance smoothly and received unanimous praise from the construction unit. At present, the system has been put into daily operation.



After the construction of the ground automatic meteorological observation system is completed and put into use, it will greatly improve the ground automatic meteorological observation duty environment of the unit and greatly enhance its meteorological support capability. It greatly improves the timeliness of meteorological observation detection while reducing the difficulty of duty personnel.

Our company will continue to uphold the concept of customer service, excellence and common prosperity, and continue to help the development of scientific research and meteorology in our country with high-quality instruments and equipment and high-quality service.

After the construction of the ground automatic meteorological observation system is completed and put into use, it will greatly improve the ground automatic meteorological observation duty environment of the unit and greatly enhance its meteorological support capability. It greatly improves the timeliness of meteorological observation detection while reducing the difficulty of duty personnel.

Our company will continue to uphold the concept of customer service, excellence and common prosperity, and continue to help the development of scientific research and meteorology in our country with high-quality instruments and equipment and high-quality service.