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LAT-B Plant leaf -&- Air Temperature Sensor (Plant Broadleaf type)



Hazel leaf LAT-B temperature sensor

The LAT-B(Broadleaf leaf -&- Air Temperature) is a high-precision sensor for long-term monitoring of leaf surface and ambient air temperature. The absolute air temperature (Tair) is measured by a tiny, high-precision thermistor probe, while the temperature difference between the air and the blade surface (T) is obtained by a thin thermopile (10x). Multiple measurement sites distributed on the blade surface are in direct contact with the blade surface and generate a spatially integrated temperature signal. LAT-B is specifically designed to measure the surface temperature of broad leaves and can be fixed to the leaves by means of an ultra-light carbon frame.


Technical parameter


LAT-B: Leaf -&- Air Temperature sensor (Broad leaf type) (*)

Suitable for blade size and mounting position

Leaf surface, leaf length >3-20cm

Sensor measurement range

- Thermoelectric reactor (△T blade - air)

- Thermistor (Tair)


DT = +/- 20°C

Tair = -40 到 125°C


- Thermoelectric reactor (T blade - Air)

- Thermistor (Tair)


CR1000: +/-(0.06%* Reading +0.01°C) CR1000: +/- 0.2 °C


- Thermoelectric reactor (△T blade - air)

- Thermistor (Tair)


Theoretically infinite, mainly depending on the number extraction 

(e.g., CR1000 is 0.0025°C)

Theoretically infinite, mainly depending on the number extraction 

(e.g., 0.05°C for CR1000)

Specification and weight

2 cm x 2 cm x 0.1 cm, ca. 2 g

Signal output

- Thermoelectric reactor (△T blade - air)

- Thermistor (Tair)


When the DT range is +/ -20 °, the signal output range is ± 8.5 mV

Resistance (Ω) or voltage (mV) output when using bridge circuit 

(bridge circuit and 20 kΩ resistance included in standard)

Working environment

Temperature: -25 to 70 °C, air humidity: 0 to 100%


Measurement data


Absolute temperature (Tair), blade-air temperature difference (DT), and solar radiation (PPFD) distribution of a mature European beech tree at the Krylansburg Forest (TUM) experimental site near Munich.