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American Spectrum company to Beijing Jianling company exchange meeting was a complete success


On August 1, 2017, technical experts from Spectrum Company came to our company for exchange and study. At the exchange meeting, our sales manager Yang Linlin first made a speech on the company's development status and corresponding sales cases. After that, David gave a brief introduction to Spectrum's development, and then discussed Spectrum's four brand families: WatchDog, FieldScout, WaterScout and LightScout were introduced in depth, and the problems in our sales and use were discussed in detail.


Through this learning exchange, we have strengthened our understanding of Spectrum series products, in order to provide customers with better quality and more professional services in the future. In addition, at the exchange meeting, our company reached an agreement with Spectrum to become the technical service center in China, providing a strong guarantee for Spectrum's sales and after-sales service.